

Ozone Therapy machine

One disease treatment that has become popular of late is 10-pass ozone, a very potent and intensive type of ozone therapy that apparently goes deeper into the body and is more effective at eliminating  disease pathogens than standard intravenous ozone. It was created by an Austrian gynecologist named Dr. Johann Lahodny, and it is also called the Lahodny or Zotzmann method, or Ozone High Dose Therapy.

Ten-pass ozone therapy resembles a treatment called Major Autohemotherapy (MAH), with some important differences. In both MAH and 10-pass ozone, blood is drawn from the patient and mixed with ozone, which has the effect of killing microbes and cleansing the blood. The blood is then reinserted back into the patient. One type of MAH, called Hyperbaric MAH, involves filling up a bottle with 200-220 ml of the patient’s blood, and then creating hyperbaric-like pressure inside of the bottle. Then, ozone is added and the mixture of blood and ozone are vigorously shakento increase ozone (or oxygen, since ozone becomes oxygen in the body)– absorption into the cells.  The hyperbaric pressure protects the red blood cells from damage during the process.

What is a Ozone Therapy?

Ozone is a highly-charged molecule with oxygenating properties. When taken into the body, it delivers higher levels of oxygen to tissue, improving its ability to regenerate, boosting the immune system’s ability to fight infection, and increasing overall metabolism.Ozone therapy has been commonly used in Germany since the 1950s. Doctors and medical practitioners use it to treat a variety of degenerative conditions including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and liver and kidney disease. Biochemist Otto Warburg was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1931 for discovering that anaerobic cancer cells die in oxygen. This discovery makes ozone therapy an important modality in cancer treatment.

What is a Ozone Therapy?

Ozone is a highly-charged molecule with oxygenating properties. When taken into the body, it delivers higher levels of oxygen to tissue, improving its ability to regenerate, boosting the immune system’s ability to fight infection, and increasing overall metabolism.Ozone therapy has been commonly used in Germany since the 1950s. Doctors and medical practitioners use it to treat a variety of degenerative conditions including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and liver and kidney disease. Biochemist Otto Warburg was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1931 for discovering that anaerobic cancer cells die in oxygen. This discovery makes ozone therapy an important modality in cancer treatment.

What is Ten Pass Ozone Therapy?

The “Ten Pass’ is a hyperbaric multi-dose ozone therapy which was developed by a senior European Physician, Dr. Johann Lahodney. Dr. Lahodney’s research showed that high dose ozone was helping his patients heal faster from skin wounds, infections, pain, tinnitus and other chronic diseases such a Lyme. His research also suggests that OHT releases stem cells.

Other Doctors and patients using Ten Pass are reporting improvement with their Lyme disease symptoms, depression, energy levels, sleep quality, herpes, erectile dysfunction and a variety of other medical conditions.

Possible Benefits of Ozone Therapy

Ozone was also found to increase the patient’s immunity by increasing the production of cytokines like interferon and tumor necrosis factor and interleukin-2.

Compared to traditional ozone therapy, 10 pass ozone delivers higher amounts of ozone in a shorter amount of time and contributes to a better saturation of erythrocytes with oxygen.

Ozone can be used as a disinfectant as it has antibacterial properties.

Ozone also has shown to reduce oxidative stress by normalizing the organic peroxide levels by activating superoxide dismutase.

Positive pressure during hyperbaric ozone treatment may also protect the red blood cells from being damaged. Unlike normobaric ozone therapy, where the mechanical movement of the patient’s blood may cause trauma to the cells.

Possible Benefits of Ozone Therapy

Ozone was also found to increase the patient’s immunity by increasing the production of cytokines like interferon and tumor necrosis factor and interleukin-2.

Compared to traditional ozone therapy, 10 pass ozone delivers higher amounts of ozone in a shorter amount of time and contributes to a better saturation of erythrocytes with oxygen.

Ozone can be used as a disinfectant as it has antibacterial properties.

Ozone also has shown to reduce oxidative stress by normalizing the organic peroxide levels by activating superoxide dismutase.

Positive pressure during hyperbaric ozone treatment may also protect the red blood cells from being damaged. Unlike normobaric ozone therapy, where the mechanical movement of the patient’s blood may cause trauma to the cells.

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